Are you pregnant and living in the West End? Well I am here to help! I teach Hypnobirthing courses & antenatal classes at Newlands South Church and have supported many people in the West End with Hypnobirthing and birth preparation.
After taking my course, you'll feeling fully prepared for labour and birth and you will come away with some amazing pain management strategies. Plus you will have the opportunity to get all your questions answered...
There are so many different Hypnobirthing instructors in Glasgow, and so many different types of Hypnobirthing courses that you can take. So why choose me?
Well, I am a midwife. I have a huge amount of experience supporting women and birthing people, not only through antenatal education but also through birth itself.
I have been present at waterbirths, home births, inductions, forceps, kiwi delivery and caesarean birth. I have supported people who are loving the experience and those who are hating it.
I have supported people through pregnancy with anxiety and depression, with medical complexities and those who have additional needs.
All of this informs the way I teach my Hypnobirthing Courses.
And I am here for you. Whatever your situation, whatever your birth is going to look like, I am here to guide and support you, so that you feel awesome about birth and excited to meet your baby!
The Birthing Well