What is Hypnobirthing? It can be quite hard to get your head around what Hypnobirthing actually is. For a lot of people, this word conjures up the idea of staged hypnosis. Of being sent into a trance where you are not aware of where you are or what you are doing.
Plenty of people think it’s going to be something hippy-ish, something only suitable for those people planning a home birth. And I have been asked hundreds of times “how are a bunch of breathing techniques really going to help me push a baby out of my vagina?!?”
Essentially, hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal course. It is a set of tools to aid pain relief and relaxation. During the course, you will learn all about how your body works, how your mind impacts the way we birth and things that you can do to support the hormones that you need for birth.
Hypnobirthing isn’t just for those people wanting to have a home birth. The techniques can be used during so many different aspects of the birthing process to keep you calm and relaxed.
Hypnobirthing is based on scientific fact. It’s based on supporting our natural instincts that are their to keep us safe. Basically, if we feel threatened, our body releases hormones to keep us safe and to help us get the hell out of whatever scary situation we are currently in. This is an incredibly important survival mechanism, but it’s not useful in labour. If we go into labour terrified of the process, our bodies just won’t work in the best way to facilitate birth.
So what hypnobirthing does, is it teaches you how to go into a deep state of relaxation. And when you’re in this state, it is much easier to control your reactions to the situations unfolding around you.
Being calm and relaxed in labour helps the body to be able to produce all the good hormones that we want, the hormones that bring about contractions and provide the bodies own natural pain relief. But it’s not as simple as just telling yourself to relax. You have to learn how to do it. You have to practice it and the more you practice it, the bigger the impact it will have on you. Labour is unlikely to be pain free, but hypnobirthing really helps to make the sensations of labour more manageable.
And that’s not all, my course will also teach you about your choices, how to navigate the maternity system and how to use the techniques for all sorts of different types of labour and birth. I worked as a midwife for 7 years and have support many women and birthing people using hypnobirthing techniques.
It’s also not just about you. It’s about your birth partner too and helping them to feel like they know how to support you in the best possible way.
Now I can’t promise you a pain free, intervention free birth but I can really help you to transform the way you feel about birth. You don’t need to spend your pregnancy feeling overwhelmed and worried about what is going to happen. You can feel amazing, empowered and excited and together that’s where we will get you!
The Birthing Well